Meet the Designer
Judy Moss, owner and designer Silver Lining Home Décor.
With the support of my family and friends, I started my own company in home design. I am a graduate from The Interior Design Institute of Canada and have studied both theory and practical in professional interior design. Throughout the years, I have gained experience with all aspects of design. The expression “A Silver Lining” is used as a metaphor for a comforting or hopeful prospect. Every cloud has a silver lining; let me be yours!
All my services are offered in the Fredericton, NB, and surrounding communities. Keeping our local economy strong is very important to me which is why I prefer to source materials locally. I am bilingual, and therefore all my services and website are offered in both official languages.
Every person has their own personality and with that comes a unique style. I’d like to get to know who you are; let’s get creative and have fun!